Audio of the song "The catcher"
(0) comments category album recording family Festival
Audio of the song "No hi ha mirades"
(0) comments category album recording family Festival
Audio of the song "Llegeixo"
(0) comments category album recording family Festival
Audio of the song "Que bé!"
(0) comments category album recording family Festival
Audio of the song "El joc"
(0) comments category album recording family Festival
Audio of the song "Festival Tom i Jerry"
(3) comments category album recording family Festival
Audio of the song "Tan amables"
(0) comments category album recording family Festival
Audio of the song "Tastant la solitud"
(0) comments category album recording family Festival
Audio of the song "Fem música"
(0) comments category album recording family Festival
Audio of the song "El plat a a taula"
(0) comments category album recording family Festival
Audio of the song "Per ser feliç"
(0) comments category album recording family Festival
Audio of the song "El factor X"
(0) comments category album recording family Festival
Audio of the song "Sí"
(0) comments category album recording family Festival
Audio of the song "M agraden els colors"
(0) comments category album recording family Festival
"De Girona al Japó" live at Luz de Gas. La viu-viu.
(2) comments category concert family La viu-viu
"Et menjaria a petons" live at Luz de Gas. La viu-viu.
(2) comments category concert family La viu-viu
"Perdó" live at Luz de Gas. La viu-viu.
(0) comments category concert family La viu-viu
"Bob Dylan" live at Luz de Gas. La viu-viu.
(0) comments category concert family La viu-viu
"Fem l'amor" live at Luz de Gas. La viu-viu.
(0) comments category concert family La viu-viu
"Animal salvatge" live at Luz de Gas. La viu-viu.
(1) comments category concert family La viu-viu
"Temps o rellotge" live at Luz de Gas. La viu-viu.
(1) comments category concert family La viu-viu
"Muntanyes del Canigó" live at Luz de Gas. La viu-viu.
(0) comments category concert family La viu-viu
"Techno" live at Luz de Gas. La viu-viu.
(0) comments category concert family La viu-viu
"Pico l'ullet" live at Luz de Gas. La viu-viu.
(0) comments category concert family La viu-viu
"Baix Ter Montgrí" live at Luz de Gas. La viu-viu.
(0) comments category concert family La viu-viu
"No som res" live at Luz de Gas. La viu-viu.
(0) comments category concert family La viu-viu
"Córrer" live at Luz de Gas. La viu-viu.
(0) comments category concert family La viu-viu
"Futur incert" live at Luz de Gas. La viu-viu.
(1) comments category concert family La viu-viu
"Corriol" live at Luz de Gas. La viu-viu.
(0) comments category concert family La viu-viu
"Són instints" live at Luz de Gas. La viu-viu.
(0) comments category concert family La viu-viu
"Mixolídia blues" live at Luz de Gas. La viu-viu.
(0) comments category concert family La viu-viu
"Puta" live at Luz de Gas. La viu-viu.
(35) comments category concert family La viu-viu
Original version of the song "Animal salvatge"
(0) comments category album recording family Al marge d'un camí
Original version of the song "Futur incert"
(0) comments category album recording family Al marge d'un camí
Original version of the song "Corriol"
(0) comments category album recording family Al marge d'un camí
Original version of the song "Són instints"
(0) comments category album recording family Al marge d'un camí
Original version of the song "Espai llunyà"
(0) comments category album recording family Al marge d'un camí
Original version of the song "La pura realitat"
(0) comments category album recording family Al marge d'un camí
Original version of the song "Íber"
(0) comments category album recording family Al marge d'un camí
Original version of the song "Content i bé"
(0) comments category album recording family Al marge d'un camí
Original version of the song "Techno"
(0) comments category album recording family Al marge d'un camí
Original version of the song "No som res"
(0) comments category album recording family Al marge d'un camí
Original version of the song "Aire!"
(0) comments category album recording family Al marge d'un camí
Original version of the song "Bob Dylan"
(0) comments category album recording family Al marge d'un camí
Original version of the song "Córrer".
(0) comments category album recording family time or clock
Original version of the song "Temps o rellotge"
(0) comments category album recording family time or clock
Original version of the song "Dia a dia a dia"
(0) comments category album recording family time or clock
Original version of the song "Baix Ter Montgrí"
(0) comments category album recording family time or clock
Original version of the song "Perdó"
(0) comments category album recording family time or clock
Original version of the song "Coses meves"
(0) comments category album recording family time or clock
Original version of the song "No cal que miris enrere"
(2) comments category album recording family time or clock
Original version of the song "Set dies"
(0) comments category album recording family time or clock
Original version of the song "Polvorons amb mel"
(0) comments category album recording family time or clock
Original version of the song "Mixolídia blues"
(0) comments category album recording family time or clock
Original version of the song "Diumenge"
(0) comments category album recording family time or clock
Original version of the song "Stress, obessions, plans de futur i contradiccions"
(0) comments category album recording family time or clock
Original version of the song "Quan es fa de nit"
(0) comments category album recording family time or clock
Original version of the song "De Girona al Japó"
(0) comments category album recording family Viva!
Original version of the song "Quatre pensaments"
(0) comments category album recording family Viva!
Original version of the song "Les mitgeres al descobert"
(0) comments category album recording family Viva!
Original version of the song "El dia després"
(0) comments category album recording family Viva!
Original version of the song "Puta"
(0) comments category album recording family Viva!
Original version of the song "Et menjaria a petons"
(0) comments category album recording family Viva!
Original version on the song "Fem l'amor"
(0) comments category album recording family Viva!
Original version of the song "No se perquè rius"
(0) comments category album recording family Viva!
Original version of the song "No t'ho diré pas"
(0) comments category album recording family Viva!
Original version of the song "El camí"
(0) comments category album recording family Viva!
Original version of the song "Plana"
(0) comments category album recording family Viva!
Original version of the song "De matí"
(0) comments category album recording family Viva!
Original version of the song "Carpe diem"
(0) comments category album recording family Viva!
Original version of the song "Puta revolution"
(0) comments category album recording family Viva!
Original version of the song "Ens ho haurem de fer mirar"
(0) comments category album recording family Viva!